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the gluteal medius and minimus are paralysed i believe

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Q: Which muscle is paralysed when a patient has a lurching gait?
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What is the different between lurching gait and waddling gait and What its mean with unilateral and bilateral?

lurching gait is unilateral loss of superior gluteal nerve damage, while bilateral superior gluteal nerve damage results in waddling gait

What is a lurching gait?

when the glutei medius and minimus are paralysed, the patient cannot walk normally. he sways or waddles on one side to clear the opposite foot of the ground. if this is unilateral it is called lurching gait. suppose you are standing on only one limb say right. the right side of the pelvis is hence supported but the left side still remains unsupported. the pelvis of the left side has a tendency to drop as a result of gravity. this is prevented by the glutei medius and minimus of the left side. this is the abductor mechanism of the glutei muscles.

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Which spinal nerve is likely damaged if you see a patient with a shuffling gait?

sciatic nerve

How does muscle weakness affect patient motor neuron diseases with?

Muscles of the legs are most often affected, leading to clumsiness, unstable gait, or lower limb paralysis. Muscle cramps and fasciculations (twitching) occur with most motor neuron diseases. Facial muscles may also be affected

What is Gait assessment in basilar artery stroke?

In medicine and nursing, "gait" means walking or the ability to walk. Many illnesses and conditions require a "gait assessment", which is a task nurses perform or should perform every day a patient is gotten up from bed or from a chair to stand and walk. A normal healthy gait is steady, basically straight-line walking, with strength and vigor. In minor to major illnesses, a gait can become unsteady, halting (meaning the patient stops every 1 to few steps), weak, uncoordinated, etc. Nurses and doctors use mostly their own observations of gait to review a current diagnosis or to associate symptoms with a diagnosis. In Stroke, the gait can be affected in numerous ways. The primary affect is whether the person has paralysis or is able to control both legs; most major strokes result in one-sided paraylsis. So, during a gait assessment, a nurse charts what she sees. If there are objective findings (such as how far a patient could ambulate), those findings are charted as well.

How are neurological tests used in diagnosing pain?

These tests evaluate the patient's movement, gait, reflexes, coordination, balance, and sensory perception.

What is the slowest gait?

The walk is the slowest gait. The walk is the horse's slowest gait.

What is the full form of GAIT?


What is a horse with a fast gait?

All horses have a "fast" gait! A gallop is a fast gait...

Give examples for concentric and eccentric muscle contractions in gait cycle?

while kicking a football, the Quadriceps muscle contracts concentrically to straighten the knee and the Hamstrings contract eccentrically to decelerate the motion of the lower limb.In concentric muscle contraction muscle length decreases along with contraction of the fibres while in eccentric muscle contraction the muscle length increases.Dr Santosh