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Latissimus Dorsi

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Q: Which muscle is the antagonist when performing a dumbbell shoulder press?
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What is muscle group is the antagonist of shoulder adduction?

the antagonist of adduction is the pectoralis major

What is the antagonist muscle when performing leg curl?

The triceps lengthens when the biceps contracts, making the triceps the antagonist.

Shoulder muscle that is the antagonist of the trapezius?

Shoulder adductors. Abduction means moving away from the median plane of the body and adduction means moving towards the median plane of the body.

Which is the agonist muscle and which is the antagonist muscle in performing a bicep curl?

Agonist is bicep and other elbow flexors antagonist are all the elbow extensors ie triceps

What is the function of reactor muscles in males?

Reactor muscles are the same for male and female. A reactor muscle are 2 muscles that do the opposite function (Ex. Bicep and triceps). To answer your question, the purpose of reactor muscles is to have a muscle that contracts and the other muscle stabilize. There are other terms I could use such as the muscle that is contracting is performing an concentric contraction (Contracting while shortening [Performing a bicep curl with a dumbbell]) and the muscle that is stabilizing is performing an eccentric contraction (Contracting while lengthening [Ex. Lowering a dumbbell with a bicep curl bar]). The reason this is important is because without the stabilizing muscle, also called an antagonist muscle, you would not have smooth controlled movement anywhere in your body. It would not be a good engineer and we would not be able to move are arms without looking weird. I hope this helps.

What is the Antagonist for a pull up?

The antagonist muscle group for a pull up is the pectoralis major, which is primarily responsible for shoulder adduction and internal rotation. In addition, the biceps brachii serves as a synergist muscle during the movement.

What muscle that counteracts the action of another muscle?

antagonist muscle

What is an antagonist muscle?

A antagonist muscle is a muscle that opposes the action of another muscle. The Triceps Brachii is the antagonist of the Biceps Brachii.

When you bend your elbow what is the triceps muscle acting as in relation acting as in relation to the biceps muscle?


Which muscle is the antagonist muscle to the biceps brachii during sholder flexion?

any muscle that assist in shoulder extention posterior fibor of deltoid Triceps long head

What is the synergist of latissimus dorsi?

The muscle of the pectoralis is antagonist to the latissimus dorsi during the shoulder adduction. The anterior fibers are involved in shoulder abduction when the shoulder is externally rotated.

Muscle that is antagonist of the latissimus dorsi?

It is the middle deltoidIt is the Deltoid Muscle .