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Q: Which nation borders Slovenia Croatia romainia austria?
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What are the neighbouring countries around Slovenia?


What seas are around Slovenia?

Slovenia is bordered by Croatia, Hungary, Austria, and Italy. Only one tiny bit of it actually borders the Adriatic Sea

What country borders Austria Slovakia and Slovenia?

Budapest, Hungary borders Austria, Slovakia, and Slovenia.

Which countries or oceans border Slovenia?

Slovenia borders Croatia to the South and East, Hungary to the Northeast, Austria to the North, Italy to the West and the Adriatic sea to the Southwest.

What countries border Hungary?

Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, and Slovenia currently border Hungary. In the north Slovakia borders Hungary. In the Northeast Ukraine borders it. Romania borders it in the Southeast. Serbia and Montenegro borders it in the South. Croatia borders the Southwest, Slovenia borders the West, and Austria borders the Northwest.

In what country is Slovenia located on a map?

Slovenia, or the Republic of Slovenia, is a country located in Europe and borders northeastern Italy.

What country borders Switzerland Austria Slovenia and Spain?

There is no country that borders with all four of these countries ! # Italy share borders with Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia, but not with Spain. # France share borders with Switzerland and Spain, but not with Austria and Slovenia. # Germany shares borders with Switzerland and Austria, but not with Spain and Slovenia.

What continent is Croatia on?

Croatia is in Europe. Find Italy, Austria and Hungary on a map of Europe and you will see it. If you looked in the gazeteer (index) of an atlas published since 1990, you will be directed to the page where it is mapped.

What is the capital of the country that borders Hungary?

Vienna, Austria Zagreb, Croatia Bucharest, Romania Belgrade, Serbia Bratislava, Slovakia Ljubljana, Slovenia Kiev, Ukraine

Is Norway closest to Italy?

No. Norway is far from Italy. It is in northern Europe, while Italy is in southern Europe. Italy has borders with France, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia and Croatia.

What City in a country that borders Austria Slovakia and Slovenia?


What are Italy's neighbouring countries?

France, Monaco, Switzerland, Austria, and Slovenia are all countries that border Italy. France and Monaco are on Italy's west border. Switzerland and Austria border Italy to the north and Slovenia borders a small portion of Italy's east side.