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Q: Which nation had the highest percentage of wounded soldiers among its total mobilized forces?
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What nation had the highest percentage of wounded soldiers among its total mobilization forces?

the U.S

What country had the most wounded soldiers in World War I?

Germany had the highest number of injured soldiers by the end of the war but France had a higher percentage of their army injured they also had the highest percentage of death followed by Britain, Russia had the highest number of deaths.

How did the beach become famous?

This beach was the most famous because it had the highest number of Casualties. All together there were about 5,000 dead or wounded American soldier. All in all, about 10% of the soldiers sent to the beach. The Germans also had about 1,200 dead or wounded soldiers out of an unknown amount of overasl soldiers.

How many confederate soldiers were wounded during the battle of Chattanooga?

2,160 Confederate soldiers were wounded at Chattanooga

How many German soldiers wounded in the battle of Britain?

There were approximately 2,550 German soldiers wounded in the Battle of Britain.

Who treated the wounded in WW1?

The soldiers were very hurt and wounded most died at first. The soldiers were very hurt and wounded most died at first. The soldiers were very hurt and wounded most died at first.

What horrors did sick and wounded soldiers face?

There were many horrors that sick and wounded soldiers faced. They faced death and dying everyday. They watched their fellow soldiers die and were often in a lot of pain if they were wounded.

How many New Zealand soldiers were wounded in Gallipoli?

5,150 New Zealand's soldiers were wounded or missing in Gallipoli.

How many German soldiers were wounded in ww1?

4,247,143 German soldiers were wounded in battle during the Great War.

How many confederate soldiers were wounded?

194,026 were listed as "wounded in battle".

Why did soldiers help wounded soldiers at war?

I can't imagine why you would ask such a question. All soldiers help each other that are wounded and don't leave them behind.

What percentage of the British soldiers were killed or wounded on bunker hill?

44 percent because you do 1000 over 2250, because you do 2250 because that is how much soldiers there were, and 1000 because that is how much soldiers died or wounded. Then you simplify 1000 over 2250 in to 4 over 9, and then you do 4.0000 divided by 9 which is 0.4444..., so you turn that into 44 percent.