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Its Radon.

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Q: Which noble gas used in radiotherapy?
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Is helium the noble gas that is commercially used the most?

Yes, helium is the noble gas that is commercially used the most. It is commonly used in various industries, including cryogenics, deep-sea diving, and as a carrier gas for gas chromatography. Additionally, helium is commonly used to fill balloons for celebrations and events.

Which noble gas is used in tubelight?


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Which noble gas is used for cancer treatment?

argon is the gas used in treatement of cancer

Can xenon cause cancer?

Xenon may cause lung cancer, according to some sources. However, the radioactive isotope Xe-133 is used in radiotherapy for cancer tumors. The element xenon is a non-metal that is a noble gas, and it has the atomic number of 54.

What noble or insert gas is used in street signs?

A noble gas is inert. However they sometimes sodium ions or mercury vapor.

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Is krypton halogen noble gas or neither?

No, it is a noble gas

What gas is used inside a light bulb?

An inert noble gas is used inside light bulbs.

What is the noble gas notation for h?

There is no boble gas notation for hydrogen and helium. The noble gas notation starts for elements after helium. The noble gas notation is a notation formed as a result of the electron configuration notation being used in conjunction with noble gases. The noble gas preceding the element in question is written then the electron configuration is continued from that point forward.

What is a radioactive noble gas?

Radon is a noble gas and is radioactive.