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Very interesting question!

No object in the solar system is stationary with respect to any other object. We know

that you're looking for "the sun" as an answer, but what kind of explanation can take us

there ? How can we describe it ?

Let's say that if you take the average position of every object in the solar system,

over the course of many hundreds of years and with respect to the distant "fixed"

stars, those points are all bunched together in the region of space where the sun


That's the best I can do, while feeling relatively honest about it.

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Q: Which object in the solar system is essentially stationary relative to all the other objects in the solar system?
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Stationary objects are objects that are not moving or changing position relative to a reference point. They appear to be at rest and have no velocity. Examples of stationary objects include a chair, a building, or a mountain.

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Movement Occurs When an Object moves Relative to a Stationary Object

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When an object is in motion, it is changing its position with respect to time. Other objects that are standing still appear stationary relative to the object in motion. The motion of an object is defined by its speed, direction, and acceleration, which are compared to the stationary objects to determine the object's movement.

Where is an object that is stationary relative to earth surface moving faster relative to space?

Objects that are "stationary" on Earth's surface are moving faster nearer the equator. The eastward motion of the rotating Earth is greatest at the equator (about 1037 mph or 1670 kph).

Where is an object that is stationary relative to earths surface moving faster relative to space?

Objects that are "stationary" on Earth's surface are moving faster nearer the equator. The eastward motion of the rotating Earth is greatest at the equator (about 1037 mph or 1670 kph).

What is the stationary object against which motion can be measured?

The stationary object against which motion can be measured is called a frame of reference. It provides a point of comparison to determine the position, speed, and direction of moving objects. This helps in describing and analyzing the motion of objects relative to a fixed point.

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None. There is no effect on a stationary object.

Where is an object that is stationary relative to Earth's surface moving fastest relative to space?

An object that is stationary relative to Earth's surface is moving fastest relative to space at the Equator. This is because the Earth's rotation speed is greatest at the Equator, providing the highest linear velocity for an object on the Earth's surface.

Where is an object that is stationary to earth's surface moving faster relative to space?

Objects that are "stationary" on Earth's surface are moving faster nearer the equator. The eastward motion of the rotating Earth is greatest at the equator (about 1037 mph or 1670 kph).

What is meant by the object is stationary?

Stationary is only meaningful in regard to a defined "Reference Frame", or "Point of Reference". The object is not moving relative to that Frame or Point.

What you compare something to in order to determine if an object is moving or stationary?

You can compare the object's position relative to a reference point or a fixed landmark to determine if it is moving or stationary. If the object is changing its position relative to the reference point over time, then it is moving. If its position remains constant with respect to the reference point, then it is stationary.

Objects in rest and in motion?

An object at rest remains stationary and does not change position. An object in motion is moving from one place to another, typically changing position over time. These concepts are defined by an object's state of movement relative to a reference point.