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Individuals suited to the struggle for existence will survive and reproduce better than individuals not so suited. Differential reproductive success is just another name for evolution by natural selection.

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Q: Which of Darwin's postulates about evolution by natural selection is most directly related to differential reproductive success?
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What is natural selection most closely related to?

Natural selection is most closely related to Darwin's theory of evolution.

What statement is best supported by the theory of evolution?

Simple statement I often use to illustrate the definition of the theory of evolution by natural selection proceeded by the definition of evolution itself. Evolution is the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms. Natural selection is the nonrandom survival and reproductive success of randomly varying replicating organisms.

What are the 2 things necessary for evolution to occur?

Answer 1Two broad processes that make evolution possible are 1 : directional forces including mutation , migration and selection and 2: nondirectional forces that include random genetic drift , bottleneck effect , founders effect ,and chance variations .Answer 2Evolution is most commonly described as a combination of reproductive variation and differential reproductive success.Reproductive variation in itself is a "non-directional" phenomenon, that produces mostly random variations. Differential reproductive success (or: natural selection) is a "directional" phenomenon, that basically acts as a mechanism limiting the set of "directions" produced by random variation.

Natural selection causes changes in populations of organisms not individual organisms because?

differential reproductive success caused by genetic variation is necessary for the process of natural selection.

What is a natural selection results?

Adaptions that lead to greater survivability and reproductive success in the immediate environment of the individual organisms under selection pressure.

Related questions

What is Darwinian evolution?

Darwinian evolution is descent with modification and natural selection, or, in other terms, reproductive variation and differential reproductive success.

Which phrase defines evolution by natural selection?

Differential reproductive success of variant replicators.

What is the merchanism for evolution?

As we currently understand it, evolution is driven primarily by reproductive variation (eg. mutation) and differential reproductive success (ie. natural selection).

What is Darwinian?

Darwinian evolution is descent with modification and natural selection, or, in other terms, reproductive variation and differential reproductive success.

What is natural selection most closely related to?

Natural selection is most closely related to Darwin's theory of evolution.

What is struggle to survive in evolution?

The "struggle to survive", "survival of the fittest" and "natural selection" are all phrases to indicate the main guiding mechanism of evolution: differential reproductive success.

How much natural selection leads to evolution?

All natural selection results in evolution. But natural selection is not necessarily the only mechanism leading to evolution. There are processes at work on a molecular level, such as intragenomic conflict-type processes, that also result in differential reproductive success, but aren't exactly related to the kind of processes Darwin first described.

What is natural selection and how does natural selection evolution?

A simplified explanation. Natural selection is the nonrandom survival and reproductive success of randomly varying organisms who by this reproductive success change the allele frequency over time in populations of organisms, which is evolution.

What is the primary directing force in evolution?

Answer 1The most important directional "force" in evolution is natural selection, or differential reproductive success.Under natural selection I include sexual selection. Note that other people may list these two forms of selection under separate headers. Sexual selection is when organisms display preferences for mates with specific attributes, such as a colourful plumage, or broad hips and large mammaries.

What statement is best supported by the theory of evolution?

Simple statement I often use to illustrate the definition of the theory of evolution by natural selection proceeded by the definition of evolution itself. Evolution is the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms. Natural selection is the nonrandom survival and reproductive success of randomly varying replicating organisms.

What is the gist of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution?

Theory of evolution by natural selection. Natural selection is the nonrandom survival and reproductive success of randomly varying organisms. That simple.

How could the different types of tortoise have evolved according to Darwin's theory?

Through reproductive variation and differential reproductive success (ie. variation and selection).