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Level three: "post-conventional reasoning" is when morals are internalized.

"Conventional reasoning" (level two) involves intermediate internalization.

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Kohlberg's Level 3, Post-conventional level, involves the full internalization of moral values. At this level, individuals act based on their own principles of right and wrong, regardless of societal norms or laws.

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Q: Which of Kohlberg's levels of moral development involves full internalization of moral values?
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Was is tariqa a religious order of?

Yes, tariqa is typically associated with a Sufi religious order or spiritual path in Islam. It involves a set of spiritual practices, teachings, and methods for connecting with God and achieving higher levels of consciousness.

How is the sacrament of Holy Orders administrated?

The sacrament of Holy Orders is usually administered by a bishop through the laying on of hands and prayer. The process involves the ordination of a man into one of the three hierarchical levels of the clergy: deacon, priest, or bishop. This sacrament conveys a special grace and authority for ministry within the Church.

What are the seven worlds of God?

In the Bahá'í Faith, there are seven worlds of God which are described metaphorically in the writings of Bahá'u'lláh. These worlds represent different levels of spiritual consciousness and are not to be taken literally as physical places. The seven worlds can be seen as stages of spiritual development leading towards the ultimate goal of unity with God.

How wealthy is the Islamic states?

The wealth of Islamic states varies significantly based on factors such as natural resources, economic diversification, and governance. Countries like Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE have high levels of wealth due to abundant oil reserves and strategic investments. However, other Islamic states may have challenges with economic development and wealth distribution.

How many stories or levels does a ziggurat have?

A ziggurat typically has three to seven levels or stories. Each level represents a different tier and holds significance in the hierarchy of the structure.

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