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The three types of muscle cells (cardiac, smooth and skeletal) fit this description.

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Q: Which of cell type is specialized for contraction and generation of force?
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What is a specilised cell?

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What does stretching a myocardial cell cause the cell to do?

Stretching a myocardial cell allows more Ca+2 into the cell and increases the force of contraction (the longer the muscle fiber when it begins to contract, the greater the force of contraction).

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blood is not pumped to the body's cell. It reaches the cells by the force created by the contraction of heart

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action potentials, ionic currents, the force of contraction and ionic currents and action potentials only

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Cell differentiation is when a less specialized cell changes into a more specialized cell. In multicellular organisms there are many specialized cells who get their jobs through cell specialization. Cell specialization changes a specialized cell into whatever type of cell the organism needs at the moment.

What is a type of cell that performs specific functions?

Cells that are formed into Tissues collectively carry out specialized functions - for example, muscle Cells are specialized for [movement via] contraction; bone Cells are specialized for first structure, and then strength. There are two hundred and twenty types of Tissues.

What is the difference between complete tetany and tetanus?

compelete is applying stimuli at a rate that the cell can not relax between subsequent contractios. The max force will allow the cell to freeze, incompete is when the cell can not be compelety relaxed after contraction

What is true about cell differentiation?

For one, that it is the process by which a less specialized cell becomes a more specialized cell type.

Describe the events of muscle cell contraction?

6 steps in a muscle contraction

The highly specialized fluid portion of the cell is what?

The highly specialized fluid portion of the cell is the plasma.

What tissues cells shorten and exert force?

The cell of the muscle tissue shorten to exert force. These tissues will support movement of the various muscles in the by exerting force.