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Blue Baby Syndrome

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Q: Which of diseases is caused by the consumption of nitrate contaminated food and water?
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Water born diseases?

Waterborne diseases are caused by pathogenic microorganisms. The most common are transmitted in contaminated fresh water. Infection commonly results during bathing, washing, drinking, in the preparation of food, or the consumption of food thus infected

What are the causes and effects of human excreta caused diseases?

Typhoid,and Cholera are spread by water borne bacteria caused by humans drinking contaminated water.

Why are some diseases caused by bacteria?

There are many different diseases that are caused by bacteria. These include, tuberculosis, bubonic plague, cholera, etc.

Difference between airborne and waterborne diseases?

Waterborne diseases are caused by microorganisms which are directly transmitted when contaminated fresh water is consumed. Airborne diseases are those diseases which are caused by pathogenic microbial agents which get discharged through coughing, sneezing, laughing or through close personal contact.

What is caused by the spread of harmful microorganisms?

Almost each micro-organism which is pathogen can cause disease. but there is some microorganism which are beneficial for us.

What diseases are caused by medical waste?

Medical waste can transmit a variety of diseases, from HIV and hepatitis to MRSA and E. coli. Basically, any medical waste that is contaminated with a human pathogen can then transmit that pathogen on to another human.

What is deficiency diseases and what are the diseases caused?

They are diseases caused by lack vitaminsthe diseases caused are:rickets,beri beri, scruvy,kwashiorkor.

What is biochemical food poisoning?

Biochemical food poisoning is usually caused by the consumption of contaminated food or water containing various bacteria, viruses, parasites or even toxins of biochemical or chemical nature.

How do diseases caused by protozoa differ from diseases caused by bacteria?


What is typhoid?

caused by drinking contaminated water.

Diseases caused by worms?

Many diseases can be caused by parasitic worms. Trichinosis and intestinal diseases can be caused by the roundworm. Hookworm and whip worm disease are caused by the Hookworm.

What are diseases caused by Metazoa?

some diseases caused by metazoa are pathogenesis and ddt