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These are the four outer planets; Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

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Q: Which of our solar system's planets are considered gas giants?
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Does a planet's distance from the sun relate to the type of surface on that planet?

No. This is a case of "correlation does not imply causation". In our solar system, the planets closest to the star are terrestrial planets and the planets farther from the star are gas giants. After the gas giants are the dwarf planets which are also terrestrial. That order can easily be changed. In other solar systems it is quite possible that the gas giants would be the planets closest to the star at roughly the same distances as the terrestrial planets are in our solar system.

What planets are considered to be made of gas?

In our solar system there are 4 "Gas Giants": Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.

What planets can be found in the solar system?

inner planets and gas giants

Which gas giants have more moons than the terrestrial planets?

All of our Solar Systems gas giants have more moons than the terrestrial planets. Jupiter (63), Saturn (62), Uranus (27) and Neptune (13).

What are your solar systems gas planets?

The gas giants are these planets i named here, Jupiter,Saturn,uranus,neptune if Pluto was still a planet it would not be considered as a gas giant Pluto 1.Pluto is small 2. Pluto is past the kupiter belt that's in between neptune and Pluto there are your gas giants

Haw many known planets are there?

9. Actually, there are 8 planets in our solar system. Pluto is no longer considered a planet. However, we have now found approx. 400 extra-solar planets, or planets in other star systems.

What are the three outer planets?

There are 8 planets in total in of our solar system, 4 of which are considered "gas giants" and are the 4 outer planets(not 3). In order they are: Jupiter, Satern, Uranus, and Neptune.

What are the planets out of your solar system?

Planets that are not part of our solar system and in other solace systems are called exo-solar planets or exoplanets.

What does planets form?

solar systems

What are called planets?

The large planets of the Solar system are Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus. They are considered gas giants because they consist mostly of gas with no solid surface.

What are some purple planets from other solar systems?

We do not know. Although we have detected planets in other solar systems, we do not know what colors they are.

What are large planets called?

The large planets of the Solar system are Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus. They are considered gas giants because they consist mostly of gas with no solid surface.