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The ear

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Q: Which of the 5 sense organs contains bones called the hammer anvil and stirrup?
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What is the smallest organ in or out of the body that contains the smallest bones?

First of all, there are no organs outside the body, the human body is made of organs, and they are all contained in the body itself. The smallest organs that contain bones are the ears. There are three bones in the middle ear called ossicles, they are the malleus, incus, and stapes and they transmit sound waves from the ear drum, called the tympanic membrane, to the cochlear membrane. Sometimes these tiny bones are referred to as the hammer, anvil, and stirrup.

What contains organs involved in internal fertilization?

Contains organs involved in internal fertilizayion

What is the body system that contains cells and organs that fight disease called?

That would be the vascular system.

What contains a mullusks gills guts and organs?

Mullusks have a visceral mass that contains the gills, guts, and other organs.

What organs are in the heart?

The heart is an organ; it contains no other organs within it.

What adaptations do hammer head sharks have?

there adaptation is that they have super sensing organs

What is an organ that contains receptor cells called?

A sensory organ. Sensory organs: skin, nose, tongue, ear and eyes.

What is the plant that contains both male and female reproductive structures?

A plant or animal with the organs of both sexes is called a hermaphrodite.

What cavity contains the bladder rectum and reproductive organs?

The abdominopelvic cavity contains the organs of the urinary system.

Would it be better to take a screwdriver or a hammer in a fight to the death?

A screwdriver would be the better choice. While you are lifting your arms to swim an hammer, you are leaving your vital organs unprotected. If you have a screwdriver, you can keep your arms down keeping the organs protected. Size up your opponent. When he goes to swing his hammer, lunge in with a quick jabbing motion poking holes in his vital organs. Mission accomlished!

Which organ system contains your organs?

Your body does this.

What is the head foot region of a cephalopod?

The “Head-Foot” region contains the mouth and sensory organs as well as the foot, the foot contains organs for locomotion.