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Q: Which of the characters in Botticelli's Primavera would the humanists in Lorenzo's court have recognized as an allegorical figure representing the highest moral qualities?
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Taxonomic characters are recognized based on specific morphological, anatomical, physiological, or genetic features that distinguish different organisms. These characters are often observable traits that are used to classify and identify species within a particular taxonomic group. By analyzing these characteristics, taxonomists can determine the evolutionary relationships and classification of organisms.

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As they were told verbally, they do not often have titles, but are recognized by the main characters.

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The basic character set refers to a defined collection of characters recognized by a system, typically including letters, numbers, and symbols. It usually includes the ASCII characters, which are commonly used in computing and communication.

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Sajid Buhkari is a little-known character, and there is limited information available about his story or any specific characters associated with it. It's possible that Sajid Buhkari may not be a widely recognized figure in popular culture.

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There is no abbreviation for the word recognized. Recognized is a transitive verb that needs to be spelled out fully.

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Some of Agatha Christie's most popular characters include Hercule Poirot, Miss Marple, and Tommy and Tuppence Beresford. These characters have appeared in multiple books and are often recognized as iconic figures in the mystery genre.

Which bird is the sign of peace?

The dove is recognized as "peace" in most western countries. The dove is an ancient symbol of peace. It is pictured as a white dove, rather than the gray multi-colored wood dove commonly called a pigeon.

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Dodong, Teang, and Blas because they are recognized, adjust to circumstances; profit from experience or undergo a change or alteration; dynamic

What is recognized as text in excel?

Any alphanumerical characters including punctuation marks is recognized as text in Excel, but digits alone would have to be formatted as text so the spread-sheet does not regard them as calculation values. Even then I have often found it necessary to precede a digit string with the single apostrophe (as for example, '1234 not just 1234). This apostrophe is recognized automatically as a control-code and does not appear on screen or in print.

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They can be recognized by their dress and ornaments. They can also be recognized by their acts.

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"Folkstone" does not have a widely recognized or established meaning. It may be a misspelling or variation of the name "Folkestone," which is a town in Kent, England.