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A Mediterranean climate zone

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Q: Which of the climate zones would be best for a year round agricultural cycle?
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How would global warming change the water cycle and the climate around bodies of water like oceans and lakes?


How can you use the calculation of the climate ratio to determine the climate type?

We can calculate the climate ratio to determine the climate type.if the climate ratio is less than 0.4 the climate type would be arid,if the climate ratio is between 0.4 to 0.8 climate ratio would be semirid ,if the climate ratio is between 0.8 to 1.2 climate type would be subhumid andif the climate ratio is greater than 1.2 climate type would be humid.The formula for climate ratio is p/Ep, wherep=precipitationEp=potential evapotranspiration.

How does the earth's position in relationship to the sun affect the weather and climate?

The earth's orbit around the sun is almost circular. The slight deviation from circularity plays no practical part in the climate. Weather and climate are to do with the tilt of the earth's axis, and it's orientation to the plane of the orbit - if the axis was perpendicular to the plane of the orbit there would be no seasons cycle. If the orbit were farther from the sun, it would be colder (eg Mars), or closer, it would be hotter (eg Venus), although in both those examples there are other factors contributing (eg atmospheric density).

How would you describe how climate classification is determined?

describe how climate classifications is determined

How are weatherand climate similar or different?

Weather is the condition of the atmosphere at a given time in a certain place whereas climate is the condition at the certain place year round. In other words , if you live in a place like Florida , the climate is hot because it's hot year round . The weather would be what it's like on one day . ie. precipitation , temperature , etc for a certain day .

Related questions

Which of the climate zones would be best for a year-round agricultural cycle?

A Mediterranean climate zone

Which country would have higher temperatures year round Laos or Austria?

Laos since it is in a tropical climate

How would global warming change the water cycle and the climate around bodies of water like oceans and lakes?


Which country would generally have higher temperatures year round laso or yagoslavia?

Laso would generally have higher temperatures year-round compared to Yugoslavia, as Laso is located closer to the equator and typically experiences a tropical climate with consistently warm temperatures. Yugoslavia, on the other hand, has a more temperate climate with distinct seasons that include colder winters.

What would have the most constant climate?

It would probably be around the Mediterranean areas for the ocean current and breezes keep the tempatures the same, year round.

How can a climate of a region affect plants and animals that live there?

It can tell you if it's a harsh climate, or a mild climate, how cold it gets, how warm it gets, how wet it is , how dry it is, weather it's a desert, mountain, or tropical climate.

Where would you encounter climate change?

Climate change is beginning to be seen in many places round the world. Recent record breaking heat waves have led scientists to say that it is "very likely" that these are being aggravated by global warming and climate change.

How would western Europe be different if it was not warmed by the north Atlantic drift?

It would have a completely different climate, it would probably be way colder all year round and less foggy

How does the location of a region influence its climate?

It dispenses if you are are near the equator or not because if you were it would be really hot. If you weren't near the equator then you would be really cold.

A place that is warm year round and near the equator would most likely have what type of climate?

The climate around the equator will typically be warm. Since that is the place where the sun is the hottest, the weather will usually be warm and sunny.

What country would generally have a higher temperature year round Laos or Austria?

Laos would generally have higher temperatures year-round compared to Austria. Laos is located in Southeast Asia, closer to the equator, experiencing a tropical climate with high temperatures. Austria, located in central Europe, has a more temperate climate, with cooler temperatures throughout the year.

Tasmania has a marine west coast climate what would best describe their summer season?

a hot summer and warmer temperatures all year round