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Mercury has a significant magnetic field.

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Q: Which of the facts about the table can scientists use to infer that Mercury has a core made of iron?
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What symbol is mercury in the periodic table?

On the Periodic Table, the symbol for Mercury is "Hg." It comes from the Latin/Greek word, "hydrargyrum".

Is mercury on the periodic table?

it is.

What mercury name on the perdior table?

Mercury with the symbol Hg.

What is the abbreviation for mercury on the periodic table?

The chemical abbreviation for mercury, used in the Periodic Table and throughout chemistry, is Hg.

What can you infer about the elements located in the last column of the periodic table?

They all are Halozen elements.

How can the periodic table help scientists infer the properties of these elements?

Periodic Table was constructed by using electronic configuration . Elements have same outer shell electronic configuration were in same group . So they have similar chemical properties . If an unknown element will register in future , its properties are predicted with the help of its outer shell configuration.

What are the 2 liquids on the periodic table?

the 2 liquids on the periodic table are Mercury (Hg) and Bromine (Br)

What is Hg on the patriotic table?


On the periodic table what element is represented by the letters HG?

Hg is the chemical symbol for the metal Mercury.

How many nutrons does mercury have?

mercury has 121 nutrons because the periodic table

What family on the periodic table is mercury?

Mercury (Hg) is on period 6.

What are facts about table tennis?

you play