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Q: Which of the filling sentences is an appeal pathos?
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Pathos is a rhetorical strategy in which the speaker attempts to appeal to the?

Pathos is a rhetorical strategy in which the speaker attempts to appeal to the emotions.

What appeal is used most in advertising pathos ethos or logos?


What is the name of an emotional appeal?


What is Pathos is?

Pathos is an appeal to the emotions of an audience in a work. It is Greek for suffering or emotions.

Which type of appeal primarily focuses on connecting with the emotions of the audience?

The type of appeal that primarily focuses on connecting with the emotions of the audience is called "pathos." It aims to evoke feelings such as pity, sympathy, happiness, or anger to persuade and influence the audience. Utilizing emotional appeal can help create a stronger connection with the audience and motivate them to take action.

Pathos is a rhetorical strategy in which the speaker attempts to appeal to the aspect of an issue?

Pathos is a rhetorical strategy in which the speaker attempts to appeal to the emotions.

Is pathos an appeal to logic?

No. Pathos is an appeal to the audience's emotions. Logos is an appeal to the audience's logic and ethos is an appeal to the speaker's character ie. how trustworthy and/or credible they are to be speaking about the idea.

What values are expressed in the Greek Play?

ethos, pathos, and logos. Ethos is appeal based on the character of the speaker. Pathos is appeal based on emotion. Logos is appeal based on logic or reason.

What rhetorical appeal is Antony making to the audience in this passage from Julius Caesar?


What are the definitions of ethos pathos and logos?

Ethos refers to credibility and trustworthiness of the speaker or writer. Pathos appeals to the audience's emotions to evoke feelings such as sympathy or anger. Logos involves using logic and reasoning to persuade the audience.

Why is this image an example of an appeal to pathos?

This image is an example of an appeal to pathos because it evokes an emotional response by showing a child with a sad expression and in a vulnerable situation, which aims to evoke feelings of empathy and compassion in the viewer. It appeals to the audience's emotions rather than logic or reason to persuade them.

What is One way writers appeal to an audience?
