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Q: Which of the followin scenarios is both deviant and criminal?
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Is armed career criminal a federal or state crime?

Both, Federal as well as State laws consider "Career Criminals" in punishment scenarios; dependent entirely on the circumstances of the case. Please note however that only "one" of the two maybe used for sentence enhancement, not both.

Which of Merton's five modes of adaptation is not a deviant response?

Conformity is the mode of adaptation in Merton's strain theory that is not considered a deviant response. In this mode, individuals accept both cultural goals and institutionalized means of achieving them.

What is deviant workplace behavior?

Deviant workplace behavior refers to behaviors that violate organizational norms, policies, or ethical standards. This can include actions such as theft, sabotage, bullying, and dishonesty, which disrupt the normal functioning of the workplace and can have negative consequences for the organization and its employees.

How are crime and deviance related Do they represent the same actions?

Crime refers to actions that violate laws and are punishable by the justice system, while deviance refers to actions that violate social norms. Not all deviant acts are criminal, but some deviant acts are criminal. So, while crime and deviance are related in that they both involve behaviors that are outside the norm, they are not the same as crime specifically refers to breaking the law.

Who makes more criminal defense lawyers or criminal lawyers?

They are both the same thing.

What is the final court of appeal for both civil and criminal law?

The U.S. Supreme Court is the final court of appeal for both civil and criminal law.

Is punching someone in the face violating civil laws or criminal laws or both?


Is a criminal court a federal court?

Both federal and state courts have jurisdiction over criminal cases.

Is an assault on a nurse a civil or criminal offense?

Assaults and batterys are both criminal offenses andcivil torts.

Can you get a misdemeanor criminal record?

ALL crimes of which you were convicted are in your permanent criminal record, Both felonies and misdemeanors.

What noun is formed from the word criminal?

The word criminal is both an adjective and a noun. Examples: Adjective: His criminal activities finally landed him in prison. Noun: The criminal was sentenced to twenty years in prison.