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mostly rainforests

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Q: Which of the following best describes the main types of vegetation regions in West Africa?
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Why is Africa called the mirror continent?

because if you rotate and flip africa a certain way along the equator, then the vegetation regions are the same (see vegetation map)

In what four regions can the continent of Africa be divied?

Africa can be divided into the following regions: Northern, Eastern, Southern, Western and Central.Africa can be divided into the following regions: Northern, Eastern, Southern, Western and Central.West, Central, Northern, southern

What are the three climate and vegetation regions of West and Central Africa?

regions = reigons (in the question) There are three climate and vegetation reigons of West and Central Africa. First is the Sahel which has a hot and dry climate. Also, the largest desert on Earth. the second reigon is the savanna which is a grassy plain with scattered trees. Last is the rainforest and it has tall trees all year long. As you can see, there are three climate and vegetation reigons of West and Central Africa.

Which of the following describes the competition between European powers for colonial territory in Africa?

The scramble for Africa

What vegetation is typical of Central Africa?

The typical vegetation of central Africa is Tropical savanna.

What is the most common vegetation is Africa?

The most common vegetation in Africa is there rain forests.

Describe the topography and vegetation in savanna?

Africa is in africa.

Which of the following BEST describes the route of many early trade caravans in Africa?

northward across the Sahara

Can you give me information of regions of Africa?

Africa can be divided into a number of regions or sub-regions. One common approach categorizes Africa in directions, these are North Africa, West Africa, Central Africa, East Africa and South Africa.

Which vegetation zone is permint to farming and ranching?

There is more than one vegetation zone that is perminent to farming and ranching. Almost all vegetation zones are desirable for argiculture except the boreal and tundra regions, as well as some parts of some major deserts (e.g., Saharra in Africa and the Mojave in the USA).

What are two large cultural regions in Africa?

The two largest cultural regions in Africa are Sub-Saharan Africa and North Africa.

Which of the following describes the political state of Africa most of its European colonies gained their independence?

Its country was divided for colonial reasons.