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Q: Which of the following clouds might produce rain?
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Do produce rain or snowcumulonimbus and nimbostratus clouds?

Nimbostratus clouds cannot produce rain.

What type of clouds produce endless rain?

Rain clouds...obviouly!

Do Stratus clouds produce the most rain?

No, stratus clouds only produce relatively light rain. Cumulonimbus produce the heaviest rain (thunderstorms).

Cause and effect of clouds?

clouds produce rain and you should look it up by yourself. Because you might learn something.

Which group of clouds produce rain?

The names of the groups of clouds that can produce rain are nimbostratus and cumulonimbus. The nimbostratus clouds are the ones we see that become very dark and produce a lot of rain or snow. The cumulonimbus clouds are responsible for lighter rain and thunderstorms.

Do stratus clouds produce rain?

Some stratus clouds can definitely produce rain. Low, thick clouds called nimbostratus clouds in particular release rain, and they release the majority of the world's precipitation.

What do cumulus clouds produce?


What two types of clouds produce rain?

a cumulus cloud and a cumulonimbus produce rain.

What type of precipitation do cumulonimbus clouds produce?

Very heavy rain or hail. These type of clouds often are associated with thunderstorms.

How clouds produce rain?

i think that when it rain the evaportion get into the sky and thats how the rain produce cluds and gets it heat wave

How do cumulus clouds and stratus clouds produce rain?

touch each other

What clouds are larger and darker on the bottom and produce thunderstorms?

Clouds that are dark on the bottom are likely cumulonimbus clouds. That word comes from cumulus and nimbus. Cumulus means light, or fluffy. They're the kind of clouds you look for shapes in. Nimbus means rain. So, fluffy rain clouds is a rough translation. Cumulonimbus clouds bring rain, and possibly a tornado if you live in that area. It might be a heavy rain or a harsh thunderstorm. Just get inside as fast as you can!