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Q: Which of the following conditions leads to hurricane season in the Atlantic region?
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Related questions

In the Atlantic region a storm is called?

A Hurricane.

What was the name of the hurricane before Hurricane Sandy?

In the North Atlantic region, the name to be used prior to Sandy was Rafael.See the link below for more:

Why do hurricanes occur in mami?

Miami is on the coast of the tropical Atlantic Ocean, which is a major, hurricane producing region.

Is the West Indies in the hurricane zone?


How does high pressure affect a hurricane?

A hurricane itself is a low pressure system, but a high pressure system in the same general region can affect the path a hurricane takes. A hurricane can get caught in the clockwise airflow around a high pressure system. For example, many hurricanes in the Atlantic are affected by the Bermuda High, a semipermanent high pressure area over the northern Atlantic. Hurricanes under its influence generally start out moving west and turn north in the western Atlantic or Caribbean.

What North American region was hit by hurricane sandy in October 2012?

The New England states bordering on the Atlantic Ocean were most affected by Sandy.

Where is hurricane alley?

Hurricane Alley is a region in the Atlantic Ocean known for having a high frequency of hurricanes, tropical storms, and tropical depressions. It stretches from the west coast of Africa to the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico.

What region was devastated by Hurricane Katrina?

Hurricane Katrina devastated the region nearest the Gulf of Mexico.

How did the Atlantic region of Canada get its name?

The Atlantic region of Canada derives its name from geography: it is the region of Canada in which the Atlantic Ocean is the dominant natural feature.

When was the Atlantic region discovered?

The Atlantic region of Canada was discovered by John Cabot in 1497.

What is the name for the region of volcanic activity in the Atlantic ocean?

The Mid Atlantic-Rift is the name for the region of volcanic activity in the Atlantic ocean.

What is the region at the center of a hurricane called?

The center region is called the eye.