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Agents for erosion and transporting sediments include gravity, wind, water (including currents), or ice. Sunlight and heating do not directly cause erosion, except through freezing and thawing (the opposite of heating).

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Q: Which of the following does not directly cause erosion A heat B gravity C wind D running water?
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What are four forces that cause erosion?

Running water, waves, wind, glaciers, and gravity Erosion is formed by wind, water, ice, and gravity.

What agents of erosion are caused by gravity?

Wind,Running Water,Glaciers, and Waves!

Is gravity a force of erosion?

Gravity is an agent of erosion... I'm not quite sure if it is erosion. In the science textbook I have right in front of me it says and I quote, "Gravity, running water, waves, wind and glaciers are all causes, or agents, of erosion. Although it says it's an agent of erosion it doesn't say it is erosion. An agent is a "cause" of something.

List the four most common agents of erosion?

The 5 agents of erosion are... 1. Wind 2. Running water 3. Glaciers 4. Waves 5. Gravity

What is the driving force behind all agents of erosion?

Gravity is the driving force behind all agents of erosion. If there is no gravity, rain will not fall and running water will not happen. Similarly, wind, glacial activity and waves are driven by gravity.

What agents of erosion are in part caused by the force of gravity?

running water, wind, glaciers and waves

What agents of erosion are assisted by the force of gravity?

The agents of erosion are: running water, glaciers, waves, and wind. # I would say that wind is the top agent of erosion that is assisted by gravity because gravity pulls down the sediments that the wind is eroding. # Running water is probably the second because gravity is the force that moves rock and other materials downhill, so if running water is moving downhill, gravity helps it. # Finally, glaciers is another agent assisted by gravity because glaciers also move downhill taking down eroded sediment with it.

How does gravity play a part in erosion?

gravity causes wind,running water,glaciers,waves,and,rain to occur.without it theses would not occur.

The agent of erosion responsible for the removal of the majority of sediment is?

Running water

What are four types of erosion?

Its actually 5 types of erosion: 1) wind 2) running water 3) gravity 4) waves (streams and beach currents) 5) glaciers

What force provides the energy for the erosion caused by running water?

1. Wind. 2. Water. 3. Ice/glacier. 4. Waves. 5. Gravity. 6. Tides/ocean current.

The predominant agent of erosion is?

the predominant agent of erosion is running water.