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Q: Which of the following drugs can induce biological tolerance after a couple of doses heroin or LSD?
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What is the tolerance of heroin?

It all depends on the person; whether their tolerance for opiates is low, high, or non-existent. Judging by the fact that you are asking this question, I would guess that you have no tolerance to opiates, so the smallest amount possible should be used (preferably none). Tolerance is built by repeatedly consuming opiates (heroin, hydrocodone, oxycodone, meperidine, morphine, etc) for a period of time. Eventually your tolerance will increase and it will require more and more of the same chemical to reach the desired effect.

How many uses should you get out of a gram of black tar heroin?

Depends on how good it is, at least 10 if you dont have a tolerance

How long do after doing heroin do eyes stay constricted?

It depends quite heavily on ones tolerance to the drug. Pupils will generally stay constricted for the duration of the euphoric experience. Depending on quantity and quality of the heroin, and as I said the higher a person's tolerance, the faster they come down which is when pupils will return to normal size.

If someone mixes cocaine and heroin together how much would be fateful amount?

In short, there is no safe amount of heroin and cocaine mixed, as every individual user is different, based on tolerance and a whole variety of additional factors.

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A drug user who used to use heroin once a day now has to use it three times a day to get the same affect?

yes it happens because you build a tolerance.

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which of the following is a narcotic marijuana heroin cocaine

How many days does it take for heroin to leave the body?

It takes approximately 72 hours (3 days) for heroin to completely leave your system.

Do people who take oxycodone become heroin users?

no not really some would get hooked if they wanted to or just plain take too much or too often. it all really depends on the tolerance for it.

What are some bad things about heroin?

Heroin is highly addictive and can lead to physical dependence, tolerance, and withdrawal symptoms. It can cause serious health issues, such as infections, collapsed veins, heart problems, and respiratory depression. Heroin use is also associated with risky behaviors, legal problems, and social consequences.

How many uses would you get out of a bindle of heroin?

Depends on your tolerance, obviously to heroin, and to other opiates. Lets says there is exactly 1/10 (average), thats 100 milligrams. For a first timer, a line (insufflated, never shoot the first time, or ever for that matter. If its tar, smoke it, if its powder, snort it) is usually around 20 mg. So from 1 bindle, you would get 5 20 mg lines. But remember, on heroin the body develops a tolerance VERY fast, so even though your first line is 20 mg, the next 20 mg line wont get you as high, so you would need to do a bit more. Listen to Mr. Brownstone by Guns N' Roses, any question you may have about heroin tolerance is answered in the chorus: I used to do a little but a little wouldn't do it so the little got more and more. I just keep trying to get a little better, said a little better than before.