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Q: Which of the following examples is a molecule with a covalent bond (Use the electronegativity values from the periodic table link to help you answer this question.)?
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which of the following examples is a molecule with a covalent bond(Use the electronegativity values from the periodic table link to help you answer this question.)?

B. Co

How can a molecule be in a nonpolar covalent bond?

A nonpolar covalent bond occurs when atoms of similar electronegativity share electrons equally. This leads to a symmetrical distribution of charges and creates a nonpolar molecule. Examples include diatomic molecules like O2 or N2, where the electronegativity difference is negligible, resulting in a nonpolar covalent bond.

What type of covalent bond will form in a molecule of iodine?

Nonpolar covalent bond; the electronegativity values are identical.

Is A Term Used To Descibe An Electrically Neutral Molecule Formed By Covalent Bonds between atoms that have the similar electronegativity?

This is a nonpolar molecule.

Is SO2 covalent or nonpolar covalent?

SO2 is a covalent molecule, as it consists of two nonmetals, sulfur and oxygen, sharing electrons. Due to the difference in electronegativity between sulfur and oxygen, the molecule is polar covalent.

Is salt a ionic compound or a covalent compound?

Take a look at their electronegativity values for this one. Electronegativity is the relative attraction that a atom in a molecule has for the shared pair of electrons in a covalent bond. Salt is Sodium Chloride which is NaCl. Na has an electronegativity value of 0.93. Cl has an electronegativity value of 3.16. The difference between the two is 2.23. This is much higher than 1.7 (a pure covalent bond e.g. Oxygen-Oxygen bond O2) therefore it is a highly ionic compound. If this was less than 1.7 it would be a polar covalent molecule.

Is it a polar or nonpolar covalent bond in a molecule of iodine?

molecule of iodine is made up of similar kind of iodine atoms .So there is no difference in the electronegativity. Hence,it forms non-polar covalent bond.

Why does oxygen molecule not form a polar covalent bond?

A covalent bond is only polar if there is a difference in electronegativity between the two atoms. Since the two oxygen atoms in an O2 molecule are identical there is no such difference.

Are Electrons are shared in a covalent bond?

Yes, but not always equally. Depends on the elements electronegativity variance. H2O is a polar covalent bond because the oxygen has much stronger electronegativity than the hydrogens, so their are slight charges on the ends of the molecule. NO, nitrous oxide, is just covalent because the elements are of pretty much equal electronegativity.

What kind of bond is OF2?

OF2 is a covalent bond, specifically a polar covalent bond. Oxygen (O) and fluorine (F) share electrons to form a molecule, but the fluorine atoms are more electronegative than oxygen, creating partial charges in the molecule.

Is CCl4 nonpolar covalent or polar covalent?

CCl4 is a nonpolar covalent molecule. This is because the electronegativity difference between carbon and chlorine is not sufficient enough to create a dipole moment in the molecule. As a result, the electron distribution in the C-Cl bonds is symmetrical, leading to a nonpolar overall molecule.

Is a nitrogen molecule polar or covalent?

A nitrogen molecule is covalent because it forms a covalent bond between the two nitrogen atoms by sharing electrons. This sharing of electrons makes the molecule non-polar because the electronegativity of both nitrogen atoms is the same, resulting in a balanced distribution of charge.