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nazis, MAMBLA, homosexuals, aetheists, Unions, Environmentalists, Illiegal Immigrants, Prisoners, Socialists, Communists, Abortionists, Hezbala

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Q: Which of the following groups has tended to support the Democratic Party in recent years?
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In recent decades what groups tend to support the democratic party?

Union members and the union movement have been a long time historical support group for the Democratic party. But they are joined by educators, smart people, people who are immigrants and minorities who seek the same rights as everybody else. Progressives find more comfort in the Democratic Party.

What groups have tended to support the Democratic Party in recent decades?

Union members and the union movement have been a long time historical support group for the Democratic party. But they are joined by educators, smart people, people who are immigrants and minorities who seek the same rights as everybody else. Progressives find more comfort in the Democratic Party.

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Are there any evangelical Christians that support democrats?

Yes. Consider Jimmy Carter as a prototypical example. He was a Democratic president, he spoke at the most recent Democratic National Convention, and he has been a very active evangelical Christian since long before he ran for public office.

Who defeated Japan's prime minister in a recent election?

Hatoyama Yukio and the Democratic Party of Japan.

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The functional groups present in Wyerone are hydroxyl (-OH), ketone (>C=O), and alkene (-C=C-).

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As Canadian citizens, those of English or French descent have retained their separate languages and identities. Other groups have also kept the traditions of their homelands after settling in Canada. To support these citizens groups, Canada has adopted an offical policy of Multiculturalism.

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technological A+ USERS :)

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No it will only support PS4 games

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Counties that have poor economies because of recent conflict include the Democratic Republic of Congo, Ivory Coast, CAR and Mali

How do pressure groups undermine democratic process?

Interest groups are concerned with a self serving issue. This is why they exist. They have always existed, but in recent years they have begun to write legislation for elected people and with the recent supreme court decision on campaign donations they have been given free rein to give vast amounts of money to candidates to make sure their issue is passed into law. This undermines the democratic process because it goes against the common good of all the people and makes the process only for those wealthy enough to pay for laws and elections. The small donors can not compete with the money put into the process leaving them with no voice or input.

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