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The Quakers

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Q: Which of the following groups opposed religious and civil authority?
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Which of the following groups opposed the Constitution?


What groups opposed the Great Awakening?

The Great Awakening was a series of religious revivals that happened across the American colonies. Various groups opposed it, such as a group led by Charles Chauncy.

Are some religious bodies opposed to cosmetics?

Some religious groups frown on the use of cosmetics, seeing them as an expression of vanity. These groups prefer a woman to be simple in the way she dresses. Examples of such religious groups would be the Amish, Menonites and many Pentecostalists.

How did Charles the First alienate religious groups in England?

He systematically opposed Calvinism, which was popular at the time.

What are the 2 largest religious groups?

The two largest religious groups are those following the Abrahamic traditions (sects such as Jews, Christians and Moslems) and the those following the Dravidian traditions (sects like Hindus, Buddhists, etc)

How school networks with the following religious groups?

Writing "the following" without providing a list doesn't make any sense.

What religious beliefs did the Plymouth colony have?

They were a mixture of Puritans and Separatists. These groups were Protestant Christians that were opposed to the Anglican state church of England.

What religious groups opposed the Eighteenth Amendment to the US Constitution?

The 18th Amendment to the US Constitution was put into affect in 1920. The purpose was to abolish intoxicating liquors. There is no evidence that Protestants, who were the largest religious group in the country, opposed this amendment.

How many Religious groups are there?

The 3 main religious groups are: -Christianity -Judaism (Jewish) -Islamic The previous answer is not correct. The religions listed above are the Abrahamic Religions and not the main religious groups of the world. There are literally hundreds of thousands of religious groups, and possibly thousands of "main" religious groups.

What religious groups were involved in religious warfare and persecution following the Protestant Reformation?

Most of the conflict was between Catholics and Protestants (primarily Lutherans and Calvinists), but there was also discrimination and pogroms against Jews who were defenseless.

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What groups were most opposed to conscription?

Various pacifist groups including the Quakers.