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Meat packing

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Q: Which of the following industries grew esplosively during the 1920s?
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What industries did not boom during the 1920s?


Industries grew explosively during the 1920s?


What American industries did not boom during the 1920s?

Corn Wheat Cotton

Which industries went into decline in the 1920s?

the industries that went into decline were:-CoalMining.-Shipbuilding.these industries did not prosper in the boom in the 1920s.

What was not part of national policy of isolationism during the 1920s and early 1930s?

Type your answer here...Which of the following was not part of national policy of isolationism during the 1920s and early 1930s?

What where some transportation related industries in the 1920s?


What were the tariffs in the 1920s?

The implementation of tariffs greatly increased in the US during the 1920s to protect newly formed industries. The tariffs that were created during this time period include the Fordney McCumber Tariff of 1922, the Emergency Tariff Act of 1921, and the Smoot Hawley tariff.

What were some of the big industries in 1920s?

steel, cool, oil, and railroads

Which of the following was a sign of an unsound economy during the 1920s?

more goods were being produced than consumers could buy

What industry did not prosper in the 1920?

the ones who did not prosper in the 1920s was African Americans and farmers

Three of the following had similar occuppations during the 1920s which one had different jobs?

Please provide us with the choices to choose from as well.

Which of the following was a popular artistic genre of the 1920s?

Realism was a popular artistic genre of the 1920s.