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Q: Which of the following is actually a lizard?
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What is the lizard's name in Disney's Tangled?

The lizard is actually a chameleon. His name is Pascal.

Is a slow worm a snake?

it is a lizard with no legs there fore it is a snake.

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What does the name dinosaur actually mean?

Terrible lizard

What is the name of New Zealands most famous living lizard?

The Tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus) though it is not actually a lizard.

What is the name of Rapunzel's lizard in tangled?

Rapunzel's pet is actually a chameleon, and his name is Pascal.

What does bronntosaurus mean?

Quake Lizard is the Latin and translation of its name. Brontosaurus did not actually exist as it really is the apatosaurs, which means different lizard.

What is a salipenta?

Well in guyana we know it as the salipenta but its actually a monitor lizard

The frilled lizard is nicknamed the bicycle lizard?

No, it is not called bicycle lizard but bipedal lizard, wich means it can walk on two legs (bi-pedal = two legged). Actually the balisilk only runs on two legs, scince the bipedality of the lizard can only be maintained at a certain speed.

Are komodo dragons lizards?

Yes,they are actually lizards,they are a type of monitor lizard to be precise.

Do you know a sentence for salamander?

A salamander is a creature that is like a lizard, but is actually an amphibian not a reptile.

What does weather the lizard mean in nautical terms?

In nautical terms, the words have the following meanings: Weather - to pass to windward a point of land; the Lizard - a Cornwall Peninsula. Therefore, weather the Lizard would be to make sail from either Plymouth or Portsmouth and pass by the Lizard (point) with the land on the Larboard (starboard) side of the ship.