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paracrine signaling

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Q: Which of the following is characterized by a cell releasing a signal molecule into the environment followed by a number of cells in the immediate vicinity responding?
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What is an immediate environment?

In marketing, the immediate environment refers to the company, competition, and corporate partners. In an immediate environment, the company itself is the first factor that affects a consumer.

How do organisnms evolve?

They change their alleles ( different molecular forms of the same gene ) over time due to naturally selective forces, among others, to shape their morphology and behavior into new adaptions in the ever changing environment by just responding to the immediate environment.

How will you treat your immediate environment?

with respect

What are Immediate effects of depletion on environment?

The immediate effects of depletion are UV entering. They cause plankton death.

How environmental factors contribute to evolution by natural selection.?

Environmental factors ARE evolution by natural selection. The immediate environment is the selector of the organisms that are differentially successful against the immediate environment.

What part of the nucleus controls adaptations?

The genetic material in the nucleus, the two alleles, can change in frequency and this change can change the protein product of the genetic material thus causing a new adaption to the environment. This is all under the natural selection pressure of the immediate environment of course, so anything in the nucleus, such as the genetic material, does not " control " adaptions so much as responding to the selection pressure of the environment on variant organisms in populations.

Contrast immediate and ultimate causes of behavior?

Immediate causes of behavior refer to the specific stimuli or events that directly trigger a behavior, such as hunger causing someone to eat. Ultimate causes of behavior, on the other hand, are the underlying evolutionary or environmental reasons why a behavior exists, such as eating being necessary for survival and reproduction. Ultimate causes focus on the long-term evolutionary reasons for behavior, while immediate causes focus on the immediate triggers.

What is a heat stroke?

Heat Stroke- is a response to heat characterized by extremely high body temperature and disturbance of the sweating mechanism. it is a immediate life threatening emergency.

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life in the sea is wet

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Chlorine casualties that require immediate treatment would most likely be suffering from

Acute health effects can be characterised by which of the following statements?

Immediate effects