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It's still in the nucleus (of eukaryotes). Prokarytoes lack a nucleus and thus the mRNA will be generateted in the cytoplasma.

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Q: Which of the following is happening when translation takes place mRNA is still in the nucleus or DNA is being replicated?
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Where does DNA replicated occur in eukaryotes?

in the nucleus

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Chromosomes are replicated in the nucleus of a cell. A nucleus is a membrane-enclosed organelle found in eukaryotic cells. It contains most of the cell's genetic material.

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How is DNA replicated in the nucleus?

Yes, it takes place in the nucleus.

What part of the cell does replication occur?

Replication is a process of synthesizing a new DNA strand complementary to a parent strand acting as a template. It takes place in a nucleus of a cell.

The biological code in DNA stores information for making?

Within the Cell's nucleus the Dna can only be either replicated or transcribed; this latter process results in the prodigious production of messenger Rnas that exit the nucleus via the nuclear pores and head straight for the Ribosomes that do the Translation of the genetic Code on the Dna into proteins.

What is a characteristic of mitosis and not of meiosis?

The daughter cells produced are genetcally identical. A mitosis divides cells, which still contains the same number on chromosomes. In mitosis DNA is replicated once, and the nucleus divides once. In meiosis DNA is replicated once, but the nucleus is divided twice.

What is a characteristic of meiosis and not meiosis?

The daughter cells produced are genetcally identical. A mitosis divides cells, which still contains the same number on chromosomes. In mitosis DNA is replicated once, and the nucleus divides once. In meiosis DNA is replicated once, but the nucleus is divided twice.

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Eukaryotes have an organized nucleus. They will have to keep the nucleus unchanged when it gets replicated.

Which of following is a reasonable criticism of the Bohr model of the atom?

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Where does translation occur for biology?

Outside the nucleus, in the cytoplasm.

What attaches to DNA to start the process of transcription?

Rna so the data is replicated and can leave the nucleus in the form of Rna