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Q: Which of the following is not considered a cytoplasmic organelle a mitochondria b Golgi apparatus c cytoplasm d rough endoplasmic reticulum e peroxisomes?
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Related questions

Why does mitochondria vacuole chloroplast endoplasmic reticulum Golgi body considered organelles?

Organelles are the inside parts of the cell. Mitochondria,vacuole,chloroplast, endoplasmic reticulum , golgi body considered as organelles beacuse they are found in the cell.

Is mitochondria part of the endomembrane system?

No. The endomembrane system consists of the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus - i.e things that are formed within the cell. The mitochondria was originally formed from a captured bacterial cell - as it has it's own DNA and its own ribosomes (as well as very bacterial like proteins). It is a separate organelle on its own, although it will have connections with the endomembrane system it is not considered part of it.

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The smallest Eukaryotic cell is the motile alga Micoconas what is the minimum number of organelles this alga must have?

The minimum number of organelles a eukaryotic cell must have includes a nucleus, mitochondria, and ribosomes for protein synthesis. Additional organelles like the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, and vacuoles may also be present in the cell for various functions.

What orgenale is considered the energy plant of the cell?

the mitochondria

What does an mitochondria do?

All mitochondria produce energy for the cell. The cell can be considered to be a factory. This factory makes proteins in most cases. The mitochondria produce the energy for the factory to work.

What is considered to be the power-house of the cell?

The powerhouse of the cells is known as mitochondria, an organelle that is involved in the ATP-producing process. ATP is the source of energy for your whole body, and therefore your cells contain mitochondria to essentially power the cell.

Do mitochondria have coworkers?

Cytoplasm can be considered . It processes glucose to pyruvate

Are ribosomes powerhouse of a cell?

Mitochondria are generally considered the powerhouses of the cell.

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