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Margaret Okane

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Q: Which of the following is not eaten to symbolize a financially prosperous new year?
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What is eaten to symbolize a sweet new year in the Jewish new year?

Apples and honey.

What does a peach tattoo symbolize?

A peach that is juicy and sweet is ready to be eaten. A popular tattoo with the ladies.

Which of the following items was used as a meat tenderizer and also eaten?


What do the following plants have in common lentil artichoke haricot potato?

they can be eaten

What is the most widely eaten fruit in America?

The most widely eaten fruit in America is the banana. Following as the second and third most commonly eaten fruits in America are apples and oranges.

witch of the following help plants protect from being eaten?

deep roots?

Defend the following statement A lion gets its energy from the sun?

A lion does not get its energy directly from the Sun, but it does indirectly. Plants that grow in the sunlight are eaten by foraging animals, which are then eaten by the lion.

Despite proposing that children be slaughtered and eaten which of the following identifies the practice to which the narrator object?

all the above.

How does a carbohydrate affect the metabolism?

Carbohydrates affect metabolism in the following way. When eaten in a sensible portion, they aim to break down to only give energy. When eaten excessively, they can give excess fat.

Uses the term kosher to apply to food that may be eaten?

Kosher food is a part of Judaism. Food that is prepared and served following the laws of kashrut is kosher and may be eaten by religiously observant Jews.

What kinds of foods are eaten when following a low cholesterol diet plan?

There are many kinds of foods that are eaten when following a low cholesterol diet plan. Examples of foods that are eaten when following a low cholesterol diet plan includes fruits, vegetables, and tofu.

How many people are killed by moose?

About 10,000 people get trampled, eaten or kicked by a moose. They trample your cars and eat your gun, following you. :)