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Q: Which of the following means of the body accede or polytheistic or monochromatic or recapitulate corporeal?
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Do polytheistic religions still exist today?

Yes, people still believe in both polytheism and monotheism, as well as animism. There are several major polytheistic religions in the world. Even the modern Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is really polytheistic. I happen to be a polytheist myself.

Who were the Moabites?

A:Moab, Israel and Judah were three of the small independent West Semitic states to arise around the same time, following the decline of the Canaanite city-states. Moab occupied an area to the east of the Dead Sea, in what is now Jordan. Like the other West Semitic peoples, the Moabites were polytheistic, but their chief god was Chemosh.

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The practice of worshipping many gods is called polytheism. In polytheistic belief systems, multiple deities are worshipped and revered for their unique powers and attributes. Examples include ancient Greek, Roman, and Norse religions.

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because the Israelite were monotheistic which means to believe in one god or goddess and the fertile crescent people were polytheistic which means to believe in many gods or goddess.Jewish answer:Judaism differed from other ancient religions in the following ways:1) It was the only religion in which God spoke to the entire assembled nation (Exodus ch.19) of over two million people.2) It made a complete break from the surrounding idolatry.

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