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Q: Which of the following organisms was the first to show bilateral symmetry A Flatworms B Earthworms C Humans D Jellyfish E Roundworms F Mealworms?
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Can you keep mealworms in a petri dish?

I have many times for students to observe. I use wheat bran with a bit of potato. The cover is loose enough to let air in.

What process did the mealworms undergo?

The mealworm beetle breeds prolifically. Mating is a three step process, the male chasing the female, mounting her and inserting hisaedeagus, and injecting a sperm packet. Within a few days the female burrows into soft ground and lays about 500 eggs.

Are geckos carnivores or hherbivores?

African Fat tailed geckos are insectivores, relying on a variety of live feeders/ prey items such as: crickets, mealworms, locust, dubai roaches etc.. Always be sure feedings are gut loaded in dusted in calcium to ensure that the animals recieve all the vitamins and calcium required in their diets.

How do you make your mom get used to insects?

In order to buy crickets, mealworms or whatever insect you feed to your herps, tell your mom like "Relax mom, insects are even MORE scared than you expected.Besides, birds, fish, reptiles, amphibians , and even humans ALL eat insects.'' or "Look, pretend those crickets are people all right, being active." or better," You know what, I felt the same way too like I did to leopard frogs."

What do brown frogs eat?

Brown tree frogs, mainly like to eat flys. Sometimes grasshoppers and sometimes mealworms (witch both can be found in a pet shop). All food that you chose to give to the frog has to be coated in calsium powder before frog consumes. if not the frog may suffer calsuim defisanitsy, or over protein. witch can lead to kidney fayilor witch can cause the frog to die. The calsium powder can be found in pet stores

Related questions

To what phylum do flatworms belong to?

Flatworms belong to the phylum platyhelminthes.

What to fed a fired belly toad?

Crickets are best. You can also feed them mealworms and waxworms, as well as earthworms.

What are the adaptations of a mealworm?

The roundworms have adapted to almost every environment. It has been said that if all life were eliminated except the roundworms, then you could see the ghosts of all formerly living things by the residue of the roundworms which have lived on and inside them.

Do frogs eat earthworms?

yes they do cause frogs are herbivores Yes

How much food does a five-lined skink eat per meal?

store bought crickets or mealworms, NEVER feed them wild crickets or mealworms, they could make him/her sick. you can buy these at PETSMART, that's what i do for my 5 lined skink.

What does a Chinese bird called the hua mei eat?

Mealworms, Crickets, Silk Worms, Earthworms, Wild Berries, Commercial Chicken Feeds.

Why are caterpillars important?


Do red back salamanders eat crickets?

Yes they do eat crickets, also earthworms or mealworms.

What type of bait do you use for bluegills?

Worms, crickets work best. Some small artificials like poppers and small in line spinnerbaits, flies.

What kind of animal can iguana eat?

Iguanas eat mainly insects such as crickets. They can also be fed mealworms, earthworms, and fruits. Insects should only be fed as a treat since they mostly eat plants.

Can mealworms talk to other mealworms?


What is a fun fact on mealworms?

-We eat atleast 1 pound of mealworms a year!-Mealworms cant kill us -Mealworms turn into darkling Beatles. -Egg:Larva:Pupa:Beatle.