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Electroplating involves an oxidation-reduction reaction where metal ions are reduced and deposited onto a substrate. This process allows engineers to coat one metal with another by using electrolysis to create a thin, protective layer of metal.

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Q: Which of the following processes involves an oxidation-reduction reaction and allows engineers to coat one metal with another?
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Is metallurgy a chemical process?

Metallurgy involves extracting metals from ores through physical and chemical processes like crushing, heating, and chemical reactions. It also involves techniques to purify metals and create alloys through controlled chemical processes. So, yes, metallurgy involves chemical processes.

What 2 processes have opposite effects?

Catabolism and anabolism are two processes that have opposite effects. Catabolism involves breaking down molecules to release energy, while anabolism involves building up molecules using energy.

What do oxidation and hydrolysis have in common?

Oxidation and hydrolysis are both chemical processes that involve breaking chemical bonds. Oxidation involves the loss of electrons, while hydrolysis involves the breaking of a bond by adding a water molecule. Both processes are important in various biological and chemical reactions.

What are the two processes that form ammonia?

The two processes that form ammonia are the Haber process, which involves combining nitrogen and hydrogen under high pressure and temperature in the presence of a catalyst, and the Ostwald process, which involves oxidizing ammonia to form nitric acid and then reducing it back to form ammonia.

What are some chemical weathering processes?

Chemical weathering processes include hydrolysis, oxidation, and dissolution. Hydrolysis involves water reacting with minerals to break them down. Oxidation occurs when minerals are exposed to oxygen, leading to breakdown of minerals like iron. Dissolution involves minerals dissolving in water.

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The jobs that are available for controls engineers are petroleum engineering and functions testing. These two jobs fit control engineers perfectly because it involves math.

Is metallurgy a chemical process?

Metallurgy involves extracting metals from ores through physical and chemical processes like crushing, heating, and chemical reactions. It also involves techniques to purify metals and create alloys through controlled chemical processes. So, yes, metallurgy involves chemical processes.

Are there such things as engineers who watch cartoons?

Yes, these are called engineers who are away from work. Watching cartoons is a hobby or pastime, which some engineers enjoy but others do not. If you are wondering if there is a type of engineering that involves watching cartoons to do your job, the answer is no.

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What involves two active transport processes coupled together?


What rock cycle processes involves heat and pressure?

Possibly metamorphism.

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SIx Sigma