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B. The earth was spinning when Lucas first saw Lucille.

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Q: Which of the following sentences is an example of a complex sentence A. Neap tide is the best time for digging clamsB. The earth was spinning when Lucas first saw Lucille. C. The crescent moon is a?
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You can join two simple sentences by removing one of the subjects or verbs, so that the two sentences describe a single idea. For example, "The dog barked. It wagged its tail." can be combined to "The dog barked and wagged its tail."

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How do you use scary in a sentence?

I am not sure exactly what you mean but if you are saying a descriptive sentence you can use these words: Heart pounding, terrified, petrified, shriek, horror, awe, spine tingling, blood pounding, head spinning, etc. Here is an example: I stared at the person terrified. I wanted to shriek but I know I couldn't. My blood was pounding and my heart was beating faster each minute. My pulse raced and my spine tingled. I grabbed my head and my mind was spinning. I fell down on the spot and black was everywhere. I fainted. You can use these sentences! Have a great day! Cheers! :)

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After the room started spinning for the patient, the doctor realized she displayed signs of having vertigo.

What are four sentences for the word wheel?

The wheel on the bus fell off.The spinning wheel was cursed.We need a new wagon wheel.Bob could not figure out why his square wheel was not turning.