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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 7mo ago

Meiosis would produce sperm cells and epithelial cells in plants. Red blood cells do not undergo meiosis, as they lack a nucleus and are not capable of dividing.

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Q: Which of the following would be produced by meiosis red blood cell cells of the stem in plants sperm cell or epithelial cell?
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What process can reproduce haploid eukaryotic cells?

The haploid eukaryotic cells are produced by mitosis in haploid plants and by meiosis in diploid plants.

What are the results of meiosis in plants and fungi?

In plants and fungi, meiosis results in the formation of haploid spores. These spores can develop into new haploid organisms through mitosis. Meiosis is important in creating genetic diversity and ensuring the continuation of the life cycle in these organisms.

Which cells in a multicellular organism undergo meiosis?

Meiosis is a stage of cell division that is crucial for sexual reproduction of plants and animals. The cells that are produced by this process are known as gametes (in animals) or spores (in plants) which in the end still produce gametes.

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Animals and plants, divide cells to reproduce, this is meiosis.

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Do plants perform meiosis?

yes they do

Compare and contrast plants and animals?

Plants Alteration of generations Meiosis produces spores Animals Diploid Meiosis produces gametes

Where does meiosis occur?

It is one of the following all of the cells of an organism a reproductive cell a developing embro plants only the liver

In seedless plants meiosis produces what kind of plants structure?


Result of meiosis in plants and fungi?

Meiosis in plants and fungi produces haploid spores as a result. These spores can develop into gametophytes in plants or directly into gametes in fungi. Meiosis is essential for genetic diversity and the formation of reproductive cells in these organisms.

What occurs in plants and animal mitosis or meiosis?

Mitosis. Meiosis is only concerned in sex cells.