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Q: Which of the follwing enclose their DNA in a nucleus?
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Is DNA a nucleus?

The nucleus contains DNA. The DNA is found in the nucleus.

What organelle also stores DNA?

The nucleus contains most of the DNA in a cell and this DNA is called the chromosomal DNA. It is separated from the rest of the cell by a double layer of membrane. The mitochondria also contain DNA, called the mitochondrial DNA.

What is the site of DNA storage?

DNA is tightly wrapped into chromosomes, and stored within the nucleus of each cell

Is DNA found in cells of nucleus in?

Yes,Most of DNA found in nucleus.90% of DNA is in nucleus.

Where is DNA copied?

DNA is copied in the cell nucleus during a process called DNA replication. This process involves the separation of the DNA strands, the synthesis of new complementary strands, and the formation of two identical copies of the original DNA molecule.

What is the difference between DNA strands and DNA nucleus?

There is no such thing called a DNA nucleus. I assume you mean DNA found in the nucleus. The DNA that's found in the nucleus are many DNA strands all bunched up.

Where is DNA stored in a eukaryotic cells?

DNA of eukaryotic cell is present in nucleus.

Where is DNA store in the cell?

The Nucleus and mitochondria in eucaryotes

What preserves the accuracy of DNA replication?

the enzyme Lactase will enclose the single strands of DNA

Is this related a nucleus and DNA?

The cell nucleus contains DNA.

Where is the DNA in a eukaryotic?

In a eukaryote, the DNA is to be found in the cell's nucleus.

Does DNA have a nucleus?

No, DNA is not typically found in the nucleus. DNA is stored within the nucleus of eukaryotic cells, where it is organized into chromosomes. Each chromosome contains a single molecule of DNA.