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Q: Which of the fopllowing is something every person can reduce his or her carbon footprint?
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What part of a persons carbon footprint?

The amount of carbon dioxide emissions from transport each day is part of a person's carbon footprint.

What does ''carbon footprint'' refer to?

The amount of carbon dioxide a person produces

What does a carbon footprint refer to?

The amount of carbon dioxide a person produces

What is the difination of carbon footeprint?

A carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide emitted from the use of fossil fuels, such as oil and gas. Each person, industry and group has its own carbon footprint.

What best describes a person carbon footprint?

the amount of carbon he or she absorbs from the environment. APEX

What does the term carbon footprint refer to?

The amount of carbon dioxide a person produces. (Apex)

What does the phrase carbon footprint mean?

It means how much fossil fuels you use in your daily life.Each person has a carbon footprint of how much waste they produce.

What does consumption have to do with a person or nation's carbon footprint?

A carbon footprint is the measure of how much carbon you and your activities and lifestyle cost the planet. High-consumption nations and lifestyles affect their carbon footprint. Developed countries use far more energy to run their businesses, transport and the personal lifestyles of their citizens. As energy now comes from burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas), their carbon footprint is high.

What is part of a person carbon footprint?

Chemically, it is how much CH4 they cause to be burnt into CO2.

What is something every person can do to reduce their carbon footprint?

turn off the lights when leaving the room Use the fan instead of air conditioning heat the house less in the winter

Which part of a person's carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide?

That's all of it - what you exhale PLUS all the fuel burned to support you.

What is the definition of carbon footprint?

the carbon foot print shows how much co2 was released when the food was traveling around the world.