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Oil and coal is widely used, b/c setting fire to it releases a lot of energy that then can be turned into electricity, heat or mechanical energy to get vehicles moving.

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Q: Which of the fossil fuel are widely used and why?
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How is uranium used as a fossil fuel?

Uranium is not a fossil fuel; uranium is used as nuclear fuel for nuclear power reactors.

What fossil fuel is used to make petrol?

petrol is made from the fossil fuel oil

How long fossil fuel energy has been used?

Fossil fuel has been used for around a million years.

Is fossil fuel used in the making of tires?

Fossil fuel is used in the making of most everything, the answer to your question is yes.

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Is bauxite a fossil fuel?

No. Bauxite is a mineral. It can not be used for fuel.

Is nuclear a fuel or a fossil fuel?

Nuclear energy is not a fossil fuel or any fuel at all. Radiation is used to create energy. The energy is "the Fuel" petroleum

Why does fuel fit in fossil fuels?

Fuel fits in fossil fuels because it is oil or fossil fuels which are used as fuel. Fuel isn't necessarily petrol , it is anything that powers something, like weetbix is a fuel for your body.