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Wood is a fuel as it can provide energy by burning. But, it is not formed by fossils and hence not called a fossil fuel.

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Q: Explain why wood is a fuel but not a fossil fuel?
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Related questions

What is the fuel wood used for?

Wood is not a fossil, it is biomass

Why isn't wood considered an important fuel compared to other fossil fuels?

Wood is not a fossil fuel (they are coal, oil and natural gas).

How do you compare oil with wood as a fuel?

fossil fuels

Is wood a type of fossil fuel?

Wood is not yet fossilized. Fossilized wood is called "coal".

Why are fossil fuels usfull?

because wood is the first fuel

Why does burning wood and burning fossil fuels produce similar pollutants?

Burning fossil fuels and burning wood produce similar pollutants because wood and fossil fuels are both consist of hydrogen and carbon. Carbon dioxide is produced when burning wood and fossil fuel.

Can coal be turned in to fossil fuel?

it already is coal is fossilised wood

Is Wood is an example of a fossil fuel.?

No, it is not an example of a fossil fuel. Wood, although it is a renewable resource, is also not a renewable fuel source for the simple reason that use as a major fuel source would quickly outstrip our ability to replenish it. Evidence: the world wide destruction of rain forests and woodlands.

Explain the process of using fossil fuel as energy?

They are burned with oxygen to produce energy.

What are speed boats powered by?

A fossil fuel or wood. This is burnt to make heat and the heat boils water to make steam. The steam pressure is used to push things.However the original source of energy was the heat of the Sun (stored in the fossil fuel or wood).

Is the first and most immature form of coal is peat?

No, while peat can be used a fuel, it is in the same class a wood it is not a fossil fuel. The form of coal that has undergone the least diagenesis (and is still a fossil fuel) is called "Lignite".

Is rocket fuel a fossil fuel?

Yes it is a fossil fuel.