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The stratosphere is almost completely free from clouds. Clouds are present in the troposphere, the layer closest to the earth.

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Q: Which of the layers of the atmosphere is free from clouds?
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Does Pluto have any clouds?

Not really. Pluto's atmosphere has a few layers of haze but not full-fledged clouds.

Is Pluto cloudy?

No. Pluto has some layers of haze in its atmosphere, but no actual clouds.

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What are the most important layers of the atmosphere to humans?

The troposphere, which is the atmosphere that we live in. It is also where clouds form, precipitation occurs, and where weather occurs.

How would you describe the atmosphere on Saturn?

Saturn's atmosphere consists mainly of hydrogen, helium, and trace amounts of methane, ammonia and other gases. This planet has bands of clouds in its atmosphere. However, these cloud layers are arranges in three different layers called cloud decks. Above theses clouds is a haze layer.

In which of the four layers of the atmosphere would one find the cumulonimbus clouds?

Almost all clouds, including the cumulonimbus, are contained in the troposphere although some clouds occasionally protrude upward into the next level.

Which term is used to describe clouds of middle height?

Stratus. Think of strata layers in the ground.

Are cumulonimbus clouds in the atmosphere?

Yes. All clouds are in the atmosphere.

What is the clouds that form in flat layers called?

Clouds in flat layers are called stratus.

The troposphere has more of what than any other layer?

ozone Not correct. Most of our weather and clouds are in the troposphere. It is the lowest portion of our atmosphere's layers.

What are the locations of the layers of the atmosphere?

The troposphere. The troposphere is one of the four layers of the atmosphere (0-10km in altitude) containing water vapour. Clouds are formed by water condensing and as air cools. This is why cloud formation is possible because the temperature of the troposphere decreases with altitude.