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Heat and Pressure

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Q: Which of the physical processes is the formation of metamorphic rocks?
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Which physical processes result in the formation of metamorphic rocks?

heat and pressure

What is the physical processes that are important in transforming sedimentary rock into metamorphic rocks?

The physical processes important in transforming sedimentary rocks to metamorphic rocks are, Pressure, Temperature, Stress, Depth of burial and Metasomatism.

Which phenomenon leads to the formation of metamorphic rocks?

Heat and pressure lead to the formation of metamorphic rocks.

What forces do you always find present in the formation of metamorphic rocks?

Heat is always present in the formation of metamorphic rocks.

Does the sun driver the processes that form igneous and metamorphic rocks?

No. Heat from the interior of the Earth trying to reach the surface drives lithospheric plate movements which are mostly responsible for the formation of igneous and metamorphic rocks.

What will determine if a rock becomes an igneous or metamorphic rock?

Geological processes form rocks. Igneous rocks are made from magmas. Metamorphic rocks are made by changing the physical environment of a previously existing rock.

What is in the formation of igneous rocks but not in formation of metamorphic rocks?

igneous rocks form within earths surface

What process is involved in the formation of all igneous rocks but not in the formation of metamorphic rocks?

mountain building

How does metamorphic rock formation compare to igneous rock formation?

Igneous rocks are formed in and around volcanos, metamorphic rocks are formed by the partial melting of rocks deep underground.

What processes occur during the formation of metamorphic rocks that make it difficult for fossils to survive?

Thermal deformation.Recrystallization and foliation from heat and pressure make it difficult for the fossil forms to remain identifiable in metamorphic rock.

Does pressure play a role in formation of metamorphic rocks?


Does the formation of metamorphic rocks depend on the magnetic field?

no it has nothing to do with it