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Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are mostly made of gases like hydrogen and helium (Uranus and Neptune contain a lot of icy material, as well.)

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Q: Which of the planets in your solar system are dense gasses?
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Why do the planets in the solar system have a layered internal structure?

The gasses from urnanus

The least dense of all planets?

Saturn is the least dense planet in our solar system.

When the solar system was formed the spheres that lost most of their gasses became what?

The inner planets

Which planets in the solar system are less dense than water?

jupiter, uranus

What is the most dense planet in the solar system?

The Earth is the most dense planet in our solar system out of all eight planets.

Do denser planets have larger orbits in the solar system?

no, then inner solid planets are more dense than the outer gas planets

Do all planets have a atmosphere in your solar system?

yes but only matter how dense space is.

What gasses are in the solar systems atmosphere?

Hydroyen,helium,Iron,carbon moxide,water,sodim and calcim

What is the densest planet known as?

The Earth is the most dense planet in our solar system out of all eight planets.

Why are the inner planets smaller when the outer planets are larger?

By mass, the majority of the matter orbiting the sun is hydrogen and helium. When the solar system was just starting to form heat from the sun and the strong solar wind drove most of the hydrogen, helium, and other gasses out of the inner solar system, leaving behind mostly rock and metal, which were much less abundant. The sunlight and solar wind in the outer solar system were much less intense, so these gasses remained in place long enough to become part of the giant planets.

9P is the SS?

9 P in the S S = 9 Planets in the Solar System

Why did the inner planets lose their hydrogen and helium?

The light hydrogen and helium gasses were swept out of the inner solar system by the intense solar wind of the young sun. The outer planets retained the hydrogen and helium as the solar wind diminished with distance.