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Q: Which of the territories did the US acquire as a result of the spanish-American war?
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How did the us acquire it?

Most of the US Imperial territory was taken from the Spanish in the Spanish-American War in 1898. Some other territories came as a result of negotiations with the other Great Powers and some more territories came as a result of World War II.

What three territorys did the U.S acquire as a result of the Spanish - American war?

Territories of Guam, Philippines and Cuba was ceded to USA but Cuba gained independance in 1902 and Philippines in 1946 after the Second World War.

What did McKinley and Roosevelt do to acquire overseas territories?

War was the chosen avenue with Spain.

Who did America acquire an empire from?

Most of the US Imperial territory was taken from the Spanish in the Spanish-American War in 1898. Some other territories came as a result of negotiations with the other Great Powers and some more territories came as a result of World War II.

What territories did the us acquire during the spanish American war?

They still hold Guam and Puerto Rico as US Territories.

What area did the US acquire as a result of the war?

That depends on which war is in question.

What territories did Mussolini want to acquire in World War 2?

Fistoton, Freightwerten, and Drioas

What terrorites did the us gain as result of the war?

the territories that the us gain as a result of the war is freedom

What territories did the US acquire before the Spanish-American War?

Before the war Hawaii was annexed. After the war Guam and Puerto Rico were annexed which remain Territories and the Philippines which was granted independence after WW2.

What was plucked from mexico as a result of the war?

Its northern territories

How did the Americans first attempt to acquire Mexico's northern territories?

They tried to buy the land as soon as Mexico became independent from Spain. Mexico however, refused. Only by the means of war could the U.S. acquire such territories.

What happened to Guam territories as a result of the spanish-American war?

It became one of the US territories.