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Q: Which of these encouraged industrialization to move from the eastern part of the US to the West?
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Labor groups in the US supported the Homestead Act of 1862 because this act?

encouraged surplus labor in the Eastern states to move west

What factor have encouraged people to move to the south and the west?

man i dont even know

What were two natural resources that encouraged many Americans to move to the west?

Land and gold

Why did settlers move to the Great Plains after 1862?

During and after the Civil War, the Unites States government encouraged farmer to move west.

Why did settlers move to Great Plains after 1862?

During and after the Civil War, the Unites States government encouraged farmer to move west.

Why did settlers not move west?

They did they were encouraged by the cheap land. The government thought that by the Americans moving west they would be able to take control of more land.

How important was Lewis and Clark's exploration for other settler's who were moving west?

Very because they encouraged settlers to move west and its safe since its been "explored"

What best describes how the Homestead Act helped lead to the closing of the western frontier?

It encouraged settlers to move west at little expense

Ask us of the following made some people from eastern cities want to move west after the Civil War?

too many people in eastern cities

How did the US government make land available for western settlers?

Western lands in the U.S. were made available through encouragement from the railroad companies for eastern settlers to move (Montana plots especially through this method),and land grab races (Oklahoma a prime example here). There also were advertisements for land sales once the Oregon trail was established and finding gold/silver/etc mines encouraged more people to find ways to move west.

How did manifest destiny alter people's luves in the united states?

It encouraged many people to move to west and settle lands that were held by the Native American people.

What cause Mormons to choose to move west?

The Mormons were being persecuted in the Eastern United States, and they decided to move West to form their own settlement, where they would be free to live as they pleased and according to their own religious rules, free from persecution.