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Q: Which of these is defined as a humorous verse with a rhyme scheme of AABBA in which lines three and four have two feet and lines one two and five have three feet?
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What form of poetry is defined as humorous verse with a rhyme scheme of AABBA?

The form of poetry that fits this description is a limerick. Limericks are typically constructed with five lines, with a distinctive meter and rhyme scheme of AABBA. They often feature witty or humorous content.

A humorous verse with a rhyme scheme of AABBA in which lines three and four have two feet and lines one two and five have three feet?

A limerick .

What is a limerick written in?

A limerick is a form of poetry written in five lines. It follows a rhyme scheme of AABBA and often contains a humorous or witty subject matter. The meter for a limerick is typically anapestic, with a distinctive rhythm.

When you say a limerick is in the form aabba you are referring to its?

Rhyme scheme - in a limerick with an aabba rhyme scheme, lines 1, 2, and 5 rhyme with each other, and lines 3 and 4 rhyme with each other.

What is a humorous poem with 5 lines in the rhyme scheme aabba?

There once was a man named Fred, Who loved to sleep in his bed. He dreamt of a clown, Who wore a bright gown, And danced with a loaf of bread.

How many lines does a limerick contain?

A limerick typically contains five lines. The rhyme scheme is AABBA, consisting of three long lines and two short lines.

What is a type of limerick?

A poem with 5 lines with a rhyme scheme of A A B B A

Is a limerick anything but Irish?

While limericks are often associated with Irish culture, they are not exclusively Irish. The form of a limerick, defined by its five lines and AABBA rhyme scheme, can be found in poetry from various cultures and languages.

What poem has the pattern aabba?

A well-known poem that has the aabba rhyme scheme is "The limerick" by Edward Lear. This type of poem consists of five lines, where the first, second and fifth lines rhyme with each other and have a different rhyme from the third and fourth lines.

How many lines are there usually in a limerick?

A limerick typically has five lines. The rhyme scheme is AABBA, with lines one, two, and five being longer and lines three and four shorter.

How many stanzas does limerick have?

A limerick typically consists of five lines, with a rhyme scheme of AABBA.

How many meters does a limerick have?

There are five lines in a limerick. The rhyme scheme is AABBA. Metre in poetry is the rhythmic structure of lines in a verse. A limerick uses anapestic or amphibrachic metre.