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Computer data is numerical data. One tool that provides a lot of information in a small space is the computer you are using. It is easy to have several complete encyclopedias, phone books, movies and not use up much space on the hard disk at all. On a 16Gb flash drive you can store half a dozen movies, half a dozen encyclopedias and have room for plenty more. Another helpful tool that goes along with this is data compression software. There are many ways to compress data and it depends on what sort of data is being compressed. Several common ones for movies are MPG, WMV and DivX. These are similar but involve compressing each frame of the movie by dividing it up into small pieces then each frame for the next few which follow, the whole picture isn't drawn again but only those bits that change. Text can be compressed using several techniques also. One old one used often is called a Huffman tree where short codes are used to encode frequent letters and longer codes are used to encode rare ones. In the English language the letter e is the most common. If a short code is used for this the amount of room needed to store the whole file is reduced.

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15y ago
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14y ago

You have basically two options: a table, or a graph. Its a Data Table

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9y ago

A data table is the best way to show a lot of numerical data in a very small place.

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Q: Which of these is the best way to show a large amount of numerical data in a very small space?
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Which of theses is the best way to show a large amount of numerical data in a very small space?

You have basically two options: a table, or a graph. Its a Data Table

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