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This is acetic acid wth a boiling point of cca. 118 0C.

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Q: Which of these liquids has the highest boiling point isopropyl alcohol acetone or acetic acid?
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How do you separate water alcohol and acetone?

To separate water, alcohol, and acetone, you can use fractional distillation. First, heat the mixture to vaporize the acetone, which has the lowest boiling point. Then cool and condense the acetone vapor, which can be collected separately. Next, heat the remaining liquid to vaporize the alcohol, which has a higher boiling point than acetone but lower than water. Finally, separate water from the mixture by distilling the remaining liquid, as water has the highest boiling point of the three compounds.

Which of the substance ammonia battery acid isopropyl alcohol or water has the highest pH?

Ammonia is the answer. It is the only basic compound here.

What is the proper order of boiling points from highest to lowest for a hydrocarbon an alcohol a carboxylic acid and an ester?

Carboxylic acid > alcohol > ester > hydrocarbon. Carboxylic acids have the highest boiling points due to hydrogen bonding between molecules. Alcohols have the next highest boiling points due to hydrogen bonding as well. Esters have lower boiling points because they do not form hydrogen bonds as strongly. Hydrocarbons have the lowest boiling points as they have no functional groups to facilitate intermolecular forces.

Where do the fractions with the highest boiling points leave fractional distillation tower?

Fractions with the highest boiling points leave the fractional distillation tower at the bottom. This is because the fractions are separated based on their boiling points, with the highest boiling point fractions condensing and collecting at the bottom of the tower.

Which halocarbon has the highest boiling point?

Perfluorohexane is a type of halocarbon that has one of the highest boiling points among halocarbons, around 56.3 degrees Celsius.

Related questions

How do you separate water alcohol and acetone?

To separate water, alcohol, and acetone, you can use fractional distillation. First, heat the mixture to vaporize the acetone, which has the lowest boiling point. Then cool and condense the acetone vapor, which can be collected separately. Next, heat the remaining liquid to vaporize the alcohol, which has a higher boiling point than acetone but lower than water. Finally, separate water from the mixture by distilling the remaining liquid, as water has the highest boiling point of the three compounds.

Which of the substance ammonia battery acid isopropyl alcohol or water has the highest pH?

Ammonia is the answer. It is the only basic compound here.

What is the proper order of boiling points from highest to lowest for a hydrocarbon an alcohol a carboxylic acid and an ester?

Carboxylic acid > alcohol > ester > hydrocarbon. Carboxylic acids have the highest boiling points due to hydrogen bonding between molecules. Alcohols have the next highest boiling points due to hydrogen bonding as well. Esters have lower boiling points because they do not form hydrogen bonds as strongly. Hydrocarbons have the lowest boiling points as they have no functional groups to facilitate intermolecular forces.

Does tantalum have the highest boiling point in chemical elements?

Rhenium has the highest boiling point: 5 596 0C.

Where do the fractions with the highest boiling points leave fractional distillation tower?

Fractions with the highest boiling points leave the fractional distillation tower at the bottom. This is because the fractions are separated based on their boiling points, with the highest boiling point fractions condensing and collecting at the bottom of the tower.

Is Iodine the highest boiling point?

No it does not.

What compounds would have the highest boiling points?


What is the metal with the highest boiling point?

Metal can boil. Highest metal boiling point is tungsten.The boiling point of Tungsten (W) is 5,828 K, 5,555 °C or 10,031 °F

What element in the body has the highest melting and boiling points?

human bones have the highest melting and boiling point we can see this in funerels where bones get burnt at last

Which brand of beer has the highest alcohol content?

The Hair of the Dog Dave has the highest alcohol content which is 29% ABV.

Which halocarbon has the highest boiling point?

Perfluorohexane is a type of halocarbon that has one of the highest boiling points among halocarbons, around 56.3 degrees Celsius.

How do you find highest boiling point of an element?

The highest boiling point among elements can be found by looking at the group of the periodic table in which the element is located. Generally, elements with higher atomic numbers and greater atomic masses will have higher boiling points. Within a group, elements with stronger intermolecular forces, such as metallic and covalent bonding, will also tend to have higher boiling points.