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Q: Which of these physical environments encouraged the development of the development of the first civilization?
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What physical environments encouraged the development first civilizations?


Which of these physical environments encouraged the development of the first civilizations?


What physical environments encourage the development of the first civilization?


Which of these physical enviorments encouraged the development of the first civilizations?


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What effect will each of the physical features have on the development of ancient Egypt as an early civilization?

What is culture made of?

Physical features of Earth such as plants and landforms encouraged the development of cultures.

How did the physical geographic characteristics of the Jews affect the development of their civilization?

The "Jews" are a group of people that follow a religion. They are not a geographic region and do not have physical geographic characteristics.

How many types of envorinments?

The three main types of environments are physical, biotic and cultural or social. Physical environments are natural and a-biotic environments. Biotic environments are organic and biological environments. Social or cultural environments involve the life style of humans.

How do physical and social environments differ?

Physical environments refer to the natural or built elements of a place, while social environments include the interactions and relationships within a community. Physical environments focus on the physical attributes of a location, such as geography or architecture, whereas social environments consider factors like culture, norms, and social interactions among individuals inhabiting a space.

How did the physical geography of China's river affect the development of its civilization?

If invaders tried to go by river to invade China, they would get stopped by wind and the hard tide.

Why were physical geography and location important to the development of Indian civilization?

Physical geography and location were important for the development of Indian civilization because the abundant natural resources supported agricultural practices, which contributed to the growth of settlements and trade networks. The natural barriers, such as mountains and rivers, also influenced the development of distinct cultures and kingdoms within the region. Moreover, the strategic location of India along major trade routes facilitated cultural exchanges and the spread of ideas and technologies.

What is the physical fitness and growth and development?

physical fitness growth and development