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Q: Which of these species might be classified as a pioneer species?
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When would pioneer species be seen?

when would pioneer species be seen

The process of seccession varies depending on?

Pioneer species.

What would happen if there were no pioneer species?

If there were no pioneer species there wouldn't be any species ya see

Are mosses and ferns climax community or pioneer species?

Are mossed and ferns climax community or pioneer species

What are some kind of pioneer species that start growing after pioneer species?

I find it easier to find the answer if you look it up as... "What kins of plants grow after pioneer species?"

What are the first organism to occupy a barren landscape following an event such as glacial retreat called?

The first organism in barren landscape is pioneer species.

What is a pioneer species in lake?

Pioneer species secrete acids that help break down rocks.

The first organisms to live in a new habitat are called?

The first organisms to appear in an area undergoing succession are known as the pioneer species. These organisms lead to a more biodiverse steady-state ecosystem.

Pioneer Species?

The first species to populate an area

How do pioneer species help develop soil?

as soil grows older and richer,these trees might be replaced by spruce and hemlock

What is the first species to live in a lifeless area?

it is a rat because rats are small and they can hide and reproduce and then you will never know how many there are because they hide and reproduce so by the time you find out they are there. there is a million of them....

What are the first organisms to move into a disturbed environment?

a pioneer plant